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Pablo Alejandro Prinzo
He graduated as a Lawyer in 1994 from El Salvador University, Buenos Aires,
Law degree with specialization in Labor Law, Postgraduate Career in Labor Law
dictated jointly by the “Universidad Católica Argentina” and the “Asociación Argentina
de Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social” [Argentine Association of Labor Law
and Social Security]
Language skills: Spanish and English
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Diego Blasco Funes
He graduated as a Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires in 1988 and he also
holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the IAE (1997).
He was a member of CEIA (Studies Centre for the Automobile Industry- IAE) and
CEEM (Studies Centre in Mining- IAE).
Professor of Labor Law, Law School of the Austral University
Language skills: Spanish, English and Portuguese
Av. Roque Sáenz Peña 730 piso 9º Oficina 94 (C1035AAP)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teléfonos de contacto:
Correo Electrónico:
Tel: 54-911-2526-9000
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